Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Becoming Beautiful!

Visit http://www.beautifulforgod.com/ for information and to register!

You won't want to miss what I'm up to these days. I can't wait to see you there!


  1. Replies
    1. And I can't wait to have you girls there! When I wrote "special speakers" I was thinking of you! :) :) Love, ~Johanna

  2. Oh dear Johanna! How I longed to be able to make it to your next conference! Especially after hearing the glowing reports from you & the Cash sisters about the last one! But, God has me helping with a friends wedding the very day this will be taking place. Though I am so sad not to be able to see you{!}, and bask in the blessing I know this next conference will be to so many, I will definitely be praying for you! And the hearts of all involved. <3 <3 <3

    1. Next year we will see you there!!! ;) I'm glad you can be a blessing at your friend's wedding and your prayers are much appreciated. :) ~Johanna
