Monday, December 5, 2011

Reformatting Snaky Whispers

The time has come for that snaky whisper that turns into a throbbing pulse in your brain to stop. Like a symptom of insanity, it pulses repeatedly and you can’t block it. Its voice you may have heard.

·         You’re wasting your life away. I mean, look, you aren’t doing things like everyone else.

·         You’re just too stupid to figure things out.

·         You can’t take any more hits or you’ll fail once and for all.

·         You’re  not actually valuable to anyone.

·         You’re rather unattractive. There’s no hope for your future in the love department.

·         If you aren’t perfect you can’t be loved.

·         A ‘B’ average in college? Are you kidding me? What a dope.

I suppose you wouldn’t start to believe any of it, if it wasn’t partially true. But truth can be twisted, construed into something nonsensical that only reality and God can sort through. Maybe I should just rephrase some of those pulsating thoughts, so you can see how they really go. Once their reformatted, they stop. The insanity fades.

·         You’re not wasting your life away if you’re making a difference right where you are. If you are doing what you know God wants you to do, one step at a time, its not wasteful. Doing life like “everyone else” doesn’t seem to be working for everyone, anyway.

·         You are stupid…on your own or with bad friends or influences. Put your heart into things, get help from others, surround yourself with quality people, make wise choices where you can and it will pay off. You’ll be surprised how smart you are.

·         God only allows into your life what He knows you can handle through relying on Him. If you’re not relying on Him for real, you will fail once and for all.

·         You are valuable to the real Someone, who died for you. If you take that for granted, it’s a sad day. When that’s Who your true love is, what does it matter if no one else values you?

·         You are rather unattractive, so maybe put some effort into changing it because that will make your personality even better. Besides, you know as well as I that ugly people get into relationships every single day. It is WHO you are, not what you are. Keep in mind that people don’t get into relationships with plastic dolls, and the ones who do, you don’t like anyway.

·         If you are perfect it is hard to love you. People can’t see who you are. Do your best and leave perfection to the One who is sanctifying you daily.

·         If getting a "B" bothers you, you'll be fine.

Practice some reformatting today and don’t get tricked into insanity.

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