It has become apparent that I am profoundly unconscious of true male interest. One gets inundated with a separate kind of flirtatious interest, and they can become hard towards realizing and believing someone may actually be serious. (I just may be that aforementioned "one" and I just may be learning to deal with that.) But, I have been asked, does my mind actually run the other direction, towards men? You bet.
- First of all, we must thank the Lord that we are normal! Praise Him that you have healthy desires and that you a properly functioning human being.
- Then, turn your eyes upon Jesus. Tell Him what you need, want, and wish, and tell Him you desire to trust Him to direct that part of your life since He cares more about it than even you ever can. "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." (Colossians 3:2)
- Treat the guy who glows in a crowd to you, like he's your brother, but don't seek him out. What do I mean? I'm not being complicated. These are important ways to treat the guy you are drawn to, but leaving to the Lord.
- Treat guys how you want your future spouse to be treated by other girls
- Realize that if he is a man that you are so sure he is, you must give him space to make his own decision about you without pressuring him
- Do not objectify him mentally through scrutiny: he is a normal human to be courteously respected!
- Don't change who you are to become more like what you think he might notice or like
- Realize that if he is the "right one" nothing is going to mess up God bringing you together eventually
- Avoid silly and useless relationships with foolish guys in the meantime...
- Let your "crush" go and be yourself again. Remember? You really can have a beautiful life without a man in it!
- Realize that your needs are met through one place alone. Now is a great time to live with the knowledge and function of the fact that no man or human can ever meet all your needs. Develop a network of godly friends for support, but most of all a powerful, dependent relationship with Jesus Christ. (Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee. Psalm 73:25)
- Plug yourself in and be passionate in supporting a purpose bigger than you: your church, family, a ministry, community service, etc
I don't have to stuff my desires and pretend I don't have them, and I definitely shouldn't chase them all down. But I must focus my lens and narrow it in on the most important things already given to me to pursue. When it is a guy, I'll know it...And, trust me, so will the whole world.