Friday, March 23, 2012

The Flying Littles and Mine

I swung one bag in front of me and the other behind, and continued down the stuffy aisle. The bored stares of two hundred eyes helped me evaluate my predicament as I walked the gauntlet on quest to find the open seat on the airplane. Sure enough, there were two more seats available. One for me, and one for the distressed-looking gentleman behind me. He looked like he might start crying, when he realized that his seat would probably be the one beside the crying baby. I made his day.

Crawling over a set of knees, I slid into the seat option beside the baby with his daddy. With wide, baby-eyed shock the crying stopped as the little guy wriggled loose and lurched for my long necklace. I caught him and plopped him on my knees and he began to attempt slobbery ingestion of all my jewlery, hair, and attention. Thus began the four hour flight. Why did I choose this?

I'd like to say it was because of my sympathetic desire to keep the businessman from joining in the wail of tears, but honestly, it was more like I wanted to sit by the crying baby. Suddenly, I realized a real mistake. Earlier in the line to board I had allowed myself to play peek-a-boo with a large-headed Chinese tot, much to his hilarious joy. Now...he sat directly behind me. Pulling my hair and tapping incessantly with a straw seemed to be the best way to continue the game, since I was now playing with someone else.

Thus, I have a suggestion to make if you have attention deficit disorder: find yourself a baby or two if you have to sit for four hours. They like to change topics of conversation every thirty seconds and also want three new toys before you get off the runway. Here I was going to finish my design sketch for a client, but instead I got to sing every song I could think of, play with fifteen toys, clap my hands for a dedicated fifteen minutes, and play with little humans until we both collapsed into exhausted slumber...for five minutes.

Although, it is true: you may find yourself in a conversation arguing why you should not have a baby of your own post haste. The seat beside you may also tell you that when one "has a natural motherly instinct" they should procreate with or without marriage, though you explain and disagree louder than the offspring(s) you currently juggle. The humor of the awkward conversation of worldviews regarding making and having, might be enough to prompt proclaiming that the "baby needs changing."

So it with excitement I confess why I actually sat there. I cannot wait to see and hold my niece next month! I want to cuddle her little squishy self, in tears or joy, in laughter or screams. I just can't wait to see her and call her my very own Little.

P.S. To see more photos of fun Littles, go here.

1 comment:

  1. I eat up my nieces and nephews (from afar). It is wonderful to be an aunt. I bet your playing with the kids was a blessing and an example to those around you.

